Sunday, December 29, 2024

Wicked v. Righteousness

Happy upcoming New Year!

*Please forgive the grammatical errors.

It's been more than a week since I last wrote. I've been doing a lot of soul searching. Writing only in pieces here and there.  I rarely ever type these blogs up in one sitting. Christmas has past and I meant to write something on the day, but I've just been so busy. 

Two weeks ago, I began renting a master bedroom with a modest private deck. My favorite times of the day are sunrise and sunset either on the deck or inside by the sliding glass doors. I have placed a tiny table and chair I keep by the glass doors where I can work on the computer often times typing up a blog and watching the sun rise/set. This morning and lately the clouds are cotton candy pink and white elegantly outlined in a pastel yellow. The sky itself torques. It's a glorious Christmas Eve morning.  

I have once again fallen in love with a little family of neighborhood cats. Gorgeous black cats. Three by my count. I call them the Montgomery's. Big kitty Montgomery I assume is the dad has a tipped ear. Mom and baby Montgomery's do not or so I don't think. I fed baby Montgomery yesterday. Baby Montgomery looks to be about 4 to 5 months old. Old enough to be away from mom. I would love to adopt the baby for baby is young enough to be domesticated. I long to have a cat. I just love them so much. Mom and baby kitty are sleek short hair black cats, and they are superb. I think mom cat might be pregnant but not by Mr. Montgomery his ear is tipped meaning he's been fixed. Big guy Montogomery is a ball of beautiful fluff. They might belong to the mobile housing area behind this community I live in, but dad Montgomery tends to sit in the vacant flowerpot next door which leads me to believe he was abandoned by the past tenants. People are horrible. Do not have pets if you cannot make a life commitment. It's just cruel abandoning pets. Our Lord in Heaven made cats before humans. To raise a hand against a cat or dog is to raise a hand against God and there will be consequences. Terrible consequences. The next time something awful happens to you that's God's wrath against you. If God can kill Moses denying him the Holy Land you bet God will come down on you too and Moses was one of God's beloved servants. The Montgomery's are fed and don't appear to be disheveled. I so love a community that takes care of its helpless stray cats. These poor kitties didn't do anything wrong. They happened to be born is all. To be cruel to a cat is to smite a creation of God and he will take his revenge tenfold. If God doesn't kill you, he will leave you ruined. 

I have an interview Thursday from a Jewish Center that pairs senior companions with other more elderly seniors. Being Jewish is not necessary. The center's office is run by non-Jewish people although I wish it were run by Jewish people. Maybe things in the center would get done properly. Its government funded. You fill out a form letting the center know your denomination, ethnicity, role in society, etc., but for starters you have to be 55 years old. I'm 56 in two weeks so I apply. Yay! I'm excited. It's my first community ministry mission (per se) since being ordained two months ago. I want to be more active in the community like a YMCA maybe a women's shelter or animal rescue. Any nonprofit work to be honest. I live a modest humble life these days as is my calling but like all ministers I too appreciate the stipend though that is not why we do this. Alas we must keep a roof over our heads and feed the kitties of course. 


*I missed the phone call today from the center, but they left a message saying they'll call again tomorrow. I called them back and left a message narrowing down a time to call back tomorrow because I had returned emailed them on the morning of the 24th and wrote to call me anytime between 10am and 3pm and I've been by my phone all day. So, when I missed their call, I checked my phone to see why I hadn't heard my phone ring, and it seems I never assigned my phone a ring tone. I've had this phone for three years. I foolishly assumed it came with an auto ringtone, but I guess not. Very few people ever call me and I either hear the phone vibrate or miss the call and call them back. I never bothered to investigate a ring tone... until now. 

Today is Christmas. 

Merry Christmas everyone! The winds here have really picked up. A reminder to get candles. I know people north of me who lost power over eight hours ago. My heart goes out to the black cat family (the Montgomery's). I hope they are together someplace safe. I was thinking of doing something Christmas-y today but not in this wind reportedly 22 mile an hour wind until 11am. We'll see. I was [this close] getting a tree this year and Christmas decorating but due to a move-in scheduling snafu it was too late. I wasn't moved in until the 14th. Oh well. Next year! I love Christmas. When I retire wherever that is I'll be one of those annoying people who puts up Christmas decorations immediate after Thanksgiving. I so love this time of year. After dreary hot mess summers, I live for the winters. Maybe when I retire, I'll move back to my home state Minnesota. Unfortunately, I simply can't do it now. I'm just so eager to be assigned as a companion to someone like let's go already!

In less than two weeks I turn 56 years old. Wow. I remember freaking out turning 30 though I don't know why. At that time, I had my own place. I had a good job for three years - until this insane woman turned the workplace toxic. My boss took up with one of my coworkers who was an unstable hot mess. She was so jealous and crazy because he had a prior relationship with another coworker, and she couldn't handle it. The workplace became toxic. I was the only other female working in our department, so the hot mess girlfriend had it in her head, "Well I guess he's going to sleep with her too!" She went completely nuts. He loved it. It didn't bother him in the least that she was toxic around me. I left. It's okay though. They moved my department from Los Angeles to Kentucky less than two years later. I mean, if you're just going to use the workplace for your own leisure and amusement the company's going to move the department the second a better offer comes along. 

So now that I've fixed my phone's ringtone problem, I will hopefully get that phone call from the Jewish Center tomorrow. You know, this is why I'm a community minister and not a religious one. The Jewish Center doesn't care what denomination you are unlike Catholic/Christian services. Every community center by Catholic/Christian services has deep Christian undertones attached to it. Preachings. Bothers me to no end. Just be a good decent person. Help when you can to whoever. You can be a Christian, wear a crucifix and still help people without preaching gospel. Know what I mean. Be present without being overbearing. I have never liked missions of conversion. I don't wear a crucifix. I don't wear any jewelry. But if I did wear a crucifix and I was working at a Christian faith-based community center that's all the advertising needed. If I wore a crucifix and someone approached me about Christianity, I would of course speak with them about it for a little while, but if no one asked me, no matter, I'm here for the community not conversion. 

I do say little prayers here and recite gospel at the end of my blogs for the reader because it's my blog. You do what you want with your blog. You don't have to believe but who knows you might learn something. It never stops people from eating In N Out burgers and fries with passages from Proverbs and John on the bottom of drink and French fry containers. Love in N Out burgers. Probably my favorite burger joints alongside Five Guys. 

It's now 3am Saturday morning. 

The lady at the Jewish center did not call me back yesterday like she said she would. Hopefully she is okay and just decided to take a three-day weekend. If so, it's still a little irresponsible don't you think. We'll see what happens Monday. I'll move on after Monday. How unfortunate. That's a workplace personnel error. Can't blame the center. I'll free up my days I was going to devote to the center if we don't connect Monday. That's the thing about the workplace in America these days the workplace is either toxic or grossly mis staffed. I'm generalizing but, in my opinion, Jewish and Asian people are really good at keeping records and day planners. Non-Jewish white people are the worst at keeping dates and records. The absolute worst. 

I've been on the Paleo diet for the past nine days. I dropped one pants size. I'm not trying to lose weight but that is a side effect of the diet. It's the "caveman diet" or "Stoneage diet" if we are to believe cavemen ate this good - fish, nuts, fruit, vegetables, eggs, etc. High Iodine diet. What I eat for my medical conditions is a constant balancing act. I have hypothyroid, hypotension, and I'm borderline diabetic. All of which I take medications for. When my thyroid gets inflamed, as it is now, I take extra vigilant steps in my diet to sooth the inflammation. As a result, I lose weight. Which is fine. I could lose weight. Salt, Iodine salt, is so important for your health. It eases throat inflammation the same day. I don't know how it's done but whenever my Hashimoto thyroid condition makes my throat inflamed, I eat a high iodine diet that day and feel so much better within a few hours. Like gargling with iodine salt and hot water for a sore throat. Don't know how it's done but thank goodness.  

I'm at a point in my life where I cannot have stress. The little things in life that give me joy like writing, reading, knitting, caring for the Montgomery's, is all I can handle to be honest. Running errands like I did yesterday exhausts me. By 5pm I'm out. I slept seven hours and I'm still tired. I had a stroke in 2021 and while thank God I did get 70% of my motor skills back the exhaustion is forever. Still, at almost 56 years of age I'm doing okay, I think. Grateful for each day. The last time I had bloodwork for the Hashimoto's (thyroid disease) all my levels were good except for the brain function or something regarding my brain so I'm trying to keep my brain active all throughout the day. Some days are better than others. This past week I've been super foggy. I've been meaning to fix my blog so I can insert photos here, but I just don't have the brain strength at the moment.  

December 29. Sunday.       

I'm thinking of putting a flower box on my deck. Maybe a hummingbird feeder. We'll see. I'm just excited to have a deck now. I really am a simple, simple gal. I love my simple life now more than ever. I have lived a life of chaos and just can't anymore. I'm a big fan of Dr. Ali Fenwick. His content is all over the internet. He's a human behavior specialist who really helped me understand some things about myself. Something I have always believed in since I was a little girl is that parents like to think they did children a favor by bringing them into this world and therefor everything parents provide their children like food, shelter, and clothing should be praised and admired rather than understanding that's the parents job to provide at bare minimum life's essentials for their children that they chose to bring into the world. And for us Gen X'ers our parents didn't even do that. When older people criticize, "Don't blame your parents for your problems!" Truth is many parents did in fact set their kids up to fail in life and those kids will either pull themselves out of the failure mindset eventually or not. If not, part of that blame is on the parents. That's why I think every minor that commits any kind of crime the parents should absolutely get equal punishment. If your kid commits murder than so did you. All of you go to jail.

I jump around on my blogs a lot. I don't write these things in one sitting. Plus, I'm a simpleton and write like one. I know you'll keep up with my broken stroked out brain.

Today is Sunday. I'll hang around tomorrow and see if the Jewish center contacts me. Someone is smoking a ton of pot for the past ten minutes and I am getting a contact high. Wow. Anyway, if the center doesn't contact me that's on the center's personnel not the center. If they don't contact me, I'll be really bummed out. I really wanted to be part of that organization. But there's other good works for me to do.

I'm going to end this blog by saying we don't need leaf blowers in the desert. Good grief. People pay leaf blowers to blow dust and garbage around parking structures. What's the point. How about you pay them to sweep up garbage and deposit it in the dumpster. How about that instead. Leaf blowers in the desert where there are no trees makes about as much sense as leaf blowers in the desert! God help us and bless us all. We need it. We really do.

A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.
--Proverbs 12:10       

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Good (super early) morning!  *Please forgive the grammatical errors. First, prayers to Pope Francis. Though I am not a Catholic, Pope Franci...