Good morning!
The sun has risen what good deed shall we do today.
*Please forgive the grammatical errors. I write passionately.
Please allow me to tell you about my favorite Saint.
Saint Gertrude of Nivelles (Belgium) is the patron Saint of cats in the Catholic church. She's the patron Saint of cats, travelers, gardens, the poor, and widows. Amen. My kind of lady. And though I am a protestant Gertrude is my Saint.
God has already informed us He failed making man. He informed us in the book of Genesis. Every creation before man is perfect. Man is God's one and only repeated failure. Adam was supposed to be in God's likeness, but Adam failed as a human being as all the Adams that followed have repeatedly failed as human beings. The Preacher Ecclesiastes warned us in the Bible "For in much wisdom is much grief; And he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow." Ecclesiastes (the preacher) is my favorite story in the Bible. Adam forced sorrow unto the world. Everywhere man goes destruction and sorrow follows. Man will end the world one day. I was about eight years old when I was enlightened perhaps chosen to see the error of man. I can only reason God shows me this error of man with such clarity that I may combat man with the strongest weapons I have, compassion and sensibility, two high power blessings I estimate 98% of men have chosen to ignore and then they wonder why their lives are a deep dark well of loneliness.
Ladies, you are never alone. God is with you. Where man has epically failed you time and time again God will not. Build that loving trusting relationship with God now. It's never too late. All that love and devotion you wasted on that man who repeatedly intentionally hurt you give to God instead. Work smarter not harder!
I worship Saint Gertrude of Nivelles the patron Saint of cats.
Dearest Catholics, Nivelles is one of your Saints. Perhaps because I was baptized in the Catholic church I feel this Saint with every fiber of my being. Anyone who harms a cat harms me personally and I simply will not have it. Wherever I go cats are sacred and I will specifically point you out to God for endless days of punishment if you harm a cat. An eye for an eye. Amen. If you thought you suffered hard days before just wait until you see what comes. My God is vengeful towards those who harm any one of his blessed creations. If you sin against me you sin against God. Beg forgiveness. Repent.
I want to find an Abbey for single women and cats. Absolutely no children. NO CHILDREN. This country (America) loves children. There are literally tens of government branches in every state to clothe, feed, and house women with children. You laid with a man; those children are the consequences of your actions. Your responsibility not mine. Your poor choices in life are not my responsibility. Your lack of devotion to Christ is your choice as was sinning with a man who immediately abandoned you after you willingly laid down for him. Your choice. Reap what you sow. My Abbey is an Abbey after all. Google it if you don't know what an Abbey is. Women who enter my Abbey love and serve only Christ... and their cats.
The gals in my Abbey will help widows, poor men, the elderly, veterans, and animal causes.
Tell me God how may I do this. I receive overwhelming generous (I mean generous!) amounts of donations for the cats. God bless you all who donate! Now, how do I receive the same generous donations for single women with no children. Please God, show me how to build my Abbey.
Doesn't an Abbey with a grand beautiful garden filled with ponds and flowers to feed the bees, bird feeders, homegrown fruits and vegetables, some hens, our cats, a library, knitting or whatever, and just a simple life of peace and quiet sound like bliss. And all we have to do to deserve it is thanking God every day. Easy right. So easy. This needs to happen.
Saint Gertrude of Nivelles found her Abbey because she didn't want to get married. Amen. Every time I think how nice it could be to find a good man to settle down with, I have no idea where the good single men my age are. Add to that I'm exhausted. Men are so emotionally, mentally, spiritually exhausting. I'm ready to retire these old bones and just live a simple good life. Go back to my Minnesota roots. In fact, that is where I want my Abbey to be, in Minnesota. Show me Lord how to get the donations for my Abbey. This needs to happen now. Send me guide of Biblical law like in Mathew.
And a certain scribe came, and said unto him, Master, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest.
Dear Father in Heaven, thou lovest me, I know, because I love thy son, Jesus Christ, my savior. Trusting in this I do now confidently pray to hear me and to grant what I ask. Amen.
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