Happy (almost) new year!
*Please forgive the grammatical errors.
Resolutions. I don't make new year resolutions for the same reason I don't like "Mother's Day", "Father's Day" and "Valentines Day" because every day is Mother's Day, Father's Day and Valentine's Day. Every year is for self-improvement. Instead of a new year resolution I'll just say for the rest of my days on Earth I'm going to try harder not getting upset when people who are clearly not cat people try getting the attention of cats. I saw a guy the other day "clicking" with his tongue at one of the Montogomery cats like they were horses, and it really bothered me. Every cat person knows the universal noise for getting a cat's attention and it's not "click, click, click". [Inhale. Exhale. Breathe. in. Out. Deep breaths.] The reported psychology is those who like dogs value loyalty and obedience. Those who like cats value independence and intelligence. I'm clearly a cat person. My heart will always go to stray cats. Just like my heart goes out to single women with no children everywhere. We too are stray cats.
December 31. Tuesday morning.
The Jewish Center returned my phone call yesterday but because I'm legally blind (20/200 vision and don't drive) I do not apply for the community companionship program. You're not assigned the same person each week. There's no relationship with anyone. ((Like, what? Why not? What do they have against building trusting relationships with people?)) This center is poorly run I'm sorry to say. Again, that's a personnel problem, not a problem with the center itself. They offered me a teaching assistant's position but again you're not in the same classroom every week. You go wherever they need you that day within a ten miles radius if your location. It's all completely random. If all I wanted was to just be a warm body I'd go back working in places where I made other people rich. It's been a frustrating day. And, sorry not sorry, if I, a senior myself, can be on my own legally blind then why can't I assist older seniors or is my independent living beneath the independent living of others? I see elderly people 70+ on public transit all the time with their groceries and pets. If the seniors in this program require handicap rides to run errands the state of Nevada provides it with Medicaid for them and their caregivers. But again, it seems the way the personnel at this center runs things minister only warm bodies and not actual human connections. So frustrating. And then to make matters worse, someone from the center called me and left a message for Mathew. Apparently, my voice on my voicemail sounds like a Mathew. The Jewish center worker was calling to cancel Mathew's 9am appointment because she said she was sick. She didn't sound sick. She could have at least faked a stuffy nose. Amateur.
And then
I was double charged on my website. Lord Jesus, teach me patience. I called the help desk, and they said they would reverse the second charge. Seven business days, of course.
And then
I went thrifting to see about a big basket. I'm on the second floor and I saw a few youtube videos where people who also lived on the second floor made cat-lifts out of baskets and rope for their outdoor cats. They trained their cats to get into the basket to be lifted up to their balconies. I have a balcony. Maybe I can train that 5-month-old stray kitty to get into the basket. In a few months it's going to be scorching hot outside. I want to get kitty to trust me by then. I fed the mom and kitty this evening, but I think the baby kitty gets bullied out of food even by its own mother. I have a strong attachment for the 5-month-old stray kitty. At this point that's all that's keeping me here. I'm really disheartened about the Jewish center. I was excited. Show me a sign, God. Show me a sign. And another thing about thrift stores did you know men's tee-shirts are $3-$6 cheaper than women's tee-shirts. Why are the tee shirts cheaper? And the women working at the Goodwill I went to had to be the angriest Karens on the planet. Angry. "Grrrrr!"
My New Year's Eve plan is staying home. I'll watch the fireworks with my neighbors from the comfort of my balcony.
December 31. Tuesday evening.
Happy New Year's Eve!
I fed mom and baby Montgomery cats this evening. I'm pleased to report baby kitty ate a lot and drank a lot of water. Mama kitty also ate and drank water. Yay.
Positive vibes. Positive vibes. New day. New year. Someone somewhere will need me. I am a strong able-bodied human. Somewhere God needs me. That Jewish center is not where I was needed apparently. There must be other facilities or a person who will make human relationships a priority. Who needs more than just a warm body for the day but an actual companion-worker. I work for my fellow man in need, not the greedy rich.
Guide me God. Show me where I'm needed and keep the Montgomery cats safe tonight from all the noise and fireworks. Amen.
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