Sunday, February 2, 2025


Good morning! 

Let's just get into it shall we. 

*Please forgive the grammatical errors. I have no writing style. I just write conversationally. 

You may have heard about Father Calvin Robinson in the news recently. Following Elon Musk, Robinson made the same likened Nazi salute while speaking at a pro-life summit. As a result of his what we're calling the Nazi salute Father Robinson is reportedly defrocked, expelled from his Anglican Catholic church. Now he's just 39-year-old Calvin Robinson. Was it worth it, Cal? Never mind losing your title, hard work, pride, self-respect, was it worth losing your soul. Was it worth it, Cal? What happened to you, sir. How did you come to willingly belittle yourself.       

No one said religious figures shouldn't have opinions, but you keep those harmful opinions to yourself. If those opinions are harmful to others, you work them out with your superiors to rid yourself of evil and sin. Once you become clergy it's not about you anymore. It's never about you. You made a promise to God to be humble, chaste, poor, and obedient to the teachings of Christ. Selfish and self-serving is not part of the job description, CAL. Everyone can slip now and then. No one is perfect but there is a huge difference between slipping up and purposely sinning against God. At 39 years of age that man knew better. If Cal wanted to exit the catholic church, there was a much better way of doing it rather than slithering out leaving a trail of slime behind him. 

All God asks of you is to live well. Be mindful of others. Show kindness and consideration. We all love cats but generally speaking, humans are a lot easier to communicate with than cats. I love cats but when a big fat cat eats all the food and won't let the skinny hungry little cats eat, I get just as frustrated at that slothy cat as I do when a big fat slothy president gobbles up everything for his greedy fat fingered greasy self. When I was a kid, I lived among whiskey 7 highballs at noon-Catholics. I lived among virtue signaling diamond encrusted gold chain wearing crucifix-Catholics. Got to make that big "I'm a Catholic. I'm better than you." presentation regardless of if they even read past page five of the Bible. I know these false Catholics. These virtue signaling Catholics. The MAGA party is filled with them. Make no mistake MAGATS are neither Christian nor Republicans. They're a group of people who have broken commandment after commandment. They're a group of people who have spat in the face of Christ while having the audacity to wear a crucifix, a big giant showy crucifix. Eternity is a long time to suffer for your repeated unrepented sins. No protestant on earth believes in purgatory. No protestant on earth believes God is so indecisive to not know if you belong in Heaven or Hell. Heaven or Hell, buddy. We all know where self-serving unrepenting sloths go.  
I am going to meditate this weekend, pray, read the Bible, and meditate. I need to not get so upset. I need to let God do his work. I need to sit with my guardian angel for a while. Regardless if you believe in angels I do. And lately suddenly I've been finding a white feather at my feet every other day. It's a sign. A reminder.

I need to not get so upset at greed and sloth. I make my own chest hurt I get so upset. 

A few days ago, an Uber driver from California called Californians "left wing radicals" and that's why he lives in Nevada now. Buddy, did I ask for your opinion. No, I did not. I shot him down with, "That's why I like Nevada, people here generally mind their own business." My only beef with California, especially Los Angeles, aside from the high cost of living is the drama among Hollywood actors that gets plastered all over everywhere. I don't mind their politics. I'll always be grateful for LA CARE. Thank you, Governor Newsom. I miss my friends, and I'll always cherish the 30+ years I lived in California, but women actors like to think they're more important than the rest of us. I'm so over it. Nevada is a very different and difficult place to make connections. People here are transient, transplants with their families, and/or just wanting to live in peace like me. I just want to live in peace. People here mind their business for the most part. Moaning Hollywood actresses will not find the attention and sympathy they're constantly seeking, here. Thank goodness.

I've lost a lot of momentum lately. I sometimes feel like I'm that preacher in the movies with a giant board sign strapped to his chest screaming how the end is near. It seems more and more people over the years don't want solutions. They want problems and chaos. How many people today when asked what they want in life respond with, "I want to be healthy and happy. I'll do whatever it takes to be both."

I've never understood what expensive flashy cars, flashy houses, and flashy jewelry do for people. I can only imagine it must be an addiction. I know a thing or two about addiction. I know ten years of it. Still, I've always been drawn to nature not money. I'm drawn to the ocean and mountains. I suppose I should be grateful people aren't drawn to the luxuries of sunrises over mountains or more people would show up like locusts and do what locusts do. Still, if there was a way to teach humans to appreciate the free natural wonders of life rather than giving their money away to car companies and jewelry stores, I would preach it with a bullhorn. I want humans to be kind to each other, to nature, to animals. If that's my "silly" religious beliefs speaking, then so be it. I know there's non-religious people who feel the same.

Yesterday morning I saw an AI Youtube short of a woman trying to give a horribly beaten Jesus with a thorned crown on his head a cup of water. A Roman guard smacked the cup of water out of the woman's hands... and I cried. Not because of the content of the short, well, maybe a little because of the content of the short, but more so because there are people still to this day who would do the same. There are still people in 2025 who would smack food and water out of the hands of someone trying to feed the hungry and suffering. Additionally, they would do it for likes and followers on social media. We all know there are people who abuse animals for likes and followers, and strangely they get them. I'm from the Land of 10,000 Lakes (Minnesota) and do you know how many times I saw a bunny, baby deer, squirrel, or cat stranded in the middle of a lake, never. I never saw a single animals stranded in the middle of the lake. Never. Not in 19 years. Never. And yet somehow on social media animal channels these poor stranded lake animals are all over the place. It's because I come from the Land of 10,000 Lakes, I know the people shooting these feel good "rescues" are the same people who threw these poor animals into the lake to begin with. You will never convince me otherwise.

My next blog will answer some pessimistic internet accusations people have about Christianity, but my question to those people who seek to drag Christianity is this, if you are unable to live and let live, why then are so many of your social media posts about failed relationships. Your constant bemoaning about failed relationships is purely a human error. That's on you not God. It is 100% human error to not recognize hurtful people, or even worse to recognize hurtful people and still give them the benefit of the doubt time and time again. Adults know what pain is. Proof of that are all the social media posts about how someone you love is constantly hurting you, betraying you, lying to you. Proof of that are all the social media posts about why you can't find reciprocal love. It's exhausting. Worse than that, you voted for a THEE most hurtful human being to be leader of this country. 

Every relationship requires equal amount of effort on both parties. How much effort? 100% or nothing at all. You don't just randomly show up out of nowhere and make demands and expect to receive. Not with your mother, not with friends, not with your husband, not with God. 100% consistent equal effort, that's how relationships work. If you give expecting to receive that's not giving, that's not loving, that's merely monetizing business. Men who say "I married her to get free sex whenever I want" that's not loving, that's demanding. 

Lately I've been seeing a lot of women dragging on chain restaurants as places to go on first dates. I was young once. I might see how a chain restaurant might be deemed not special enough to a young gal who wants to feel special. I used to drag Olive Garden. Not proud of that. Until my dad took me to Olive Garden following his first bout with throat cancer. When dad's cancer went into remission he took me to lunch at Olive Garden. It was nice. Food was good. Wine was good. Service was good. It was nice. Certainly, it's a maturity thing but eventually you do come to realize it's not about where you go but rather who you're going there with. When fellas post social media trends like "Take her to McDonalds to see if she's just a gold digger." Well fellas, allow me to remind you that one must actually have substantial amounts of gold for that term to include you. 

First, know what qualities you're looking for in an individual rather than just seeking easy numbers to make demands upon.

Relationships are built not given. If you want to drag the existence of God, it's a free country (for now anyway). You do you. But then don't suddenly turn to God when you're in danger and expect God to respond. That's not a relationship. That's a demand. An expectation. Every relationship is doomed to fail when one or both parties demand and take advantage of each other rather than putting forth 100% of making a good healthy relationship work every day. I could answer the following blog's questions about God with this very paragraph, but I do answer the questions with as much heart and insight as I can. 

Have blessed Sunday. 

The Lord did not set his love upon you, nor chose you, because ye were more in number than any other people; for ye were the fewest of all people: -- Deuteronomy 7:7

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Good (very early) morning! Please forgive the grammatical errors. It's been a while since I last blogged. "Too busy" is a horr...