Friday, January 24, 2025


 Good morning!

*Please forgive the grammatical errors.

One good deed a day. 

Perform one good deed a day. 

Knit scarves and blankets for shelters, centers, and hospitals. 

Pick up something that dropped for someone else.

Hold a door open for someone.

One good deed a day. One good act of kindness a day. You make the world better. 

Feeding the neighborhood cats is forever my good deed although it's not just a good deed, I am a stray cat. I feel their uncertainty. I know their struggles. I bond with animals for more easily than with humans in 2025. Animals just want to be left alone to live in peace. As do I. Perhaps as do you. We human beings who live simply are God's truest creations. There was a time when hair color, jewelry, and clothes meant the world to me. Since letting go of material things (after all they are just things) and after letting go of my wretched vanity I am free to breathe easier, sleep better, be among people who care about me as a person, and let go of all the unnecessary daily chaos. Free to just be. 

Regarding other people's drama, trust in God, and your guardian angel. Love and serve God, and your guardian angel and they will return the love a thousand-fold easing your mind, strengthening your heart, and resting your shoulders. The hardships I suffered last week were blessings this week. That was God's will, and my guardian angel's gift to see me through and I am grateful.  

Good health begins with seeing, touching, smelling, all the free gifts God has given you, given all of us, but your guardian angel is only for you don't deny your guardian angel. He's there to help you. All God asks in return is that you live well. Do good. Be kind.

My neighbor's grandchildren have taken up soccer. At first, I was like, "What's that noise? A soccer ball." But kids need fresh air. Kids need to laugh, bond together, and play outside for their health. 

I was raised, and still believe, the best thing for human beings is fresh cool water and fresh cool air. Go outside. The freshest air on the planet is from 5pm-5am. It's why I grew up with the windows always open even in the winter in minus ten degrees. Can't do that anymore at ground level after Polly Klaas I understand but getting fresh air in the evenings and early in the morning is just good health. You always see older Korean folks out in the brisk morning walking and hanging out at the local park with other elderly Korean folks. Fresh air for strength and longevity. As children back in Minnesota we would always go outside and play for at least an hour even if it was five degrees out in the middle of winter. Bundling up newborns and bringing them outside to breath the cold crisp fresh air was commonplace back in the 70's. Drink your coffee or tea sitting in the morning sun and get fresh air. Dress warm if you must. Build up tolerance to cold and strengthen your immune system. Face towards the sun for the healthy vitamin D fifteen minutes a day. Maybe it's all "wives' tales" but I'm a believer, nonetheless. I'm currently watching the sunrise. It's just beautiful. The sky is all pink and lavender. The world seems so calm and beautiful at this hour. 

Yesterday I saw the guy who feeds the cats that live in the dunes. The kitties all ran up to him. He and I waved hello and said it was nice to see each other. If I see him this evening I'll ask if I can join him feeding the cats. What a nice man. A nice man who loves cats.  

I've been thinking, how difficult is it really to start your own ministry. Also, I think I want to be addressed as Reverand. I'll get re-baptized in the Lutheran church if that's what it takes. I was baptized in the Catholic church as a baby. Commonly protestants aren't baptized until they are adults. Reverand Lisa Koo. I like it. I could start my own church. I'm considering it.


Yesterday was kind of a crazy day. You will never convince me that guardian angels don't exist. Mine literally calmed me down after the madness. At the peak of intense stress, I suddenly felt a wave of calm on my shoulders. Like a bright light switch had been dimmed into softness and there was peace and stillness. Two things happened. First thing that happened I needed help from a help desk. I called the 1-800 number and waited 25 minutes on hold for a lady to get on the phone and literally tell me, "I don't know how that works exactly." Second thing that happened the storage unit I blogged about (scroll down) sent me yet another email that read, "Since you're such a good customer we'll keep your storage unit at your sign in price of..." Mind you this is after sending me two previous emails basically telling me to go F myself after I protested the rate hike immediately following the LA fires. I believe Christ sent the powers that be a message making them see the error of their ways. I have never pointed out specific people to God before as sinners, but I pointed out this storage company. We protestants only believe in Heaven and Hell. There is no such thing as purgatory. No protestant believes God is so indecisive. 

These types of battles for the soul are the 2025 norm and people (boomers) are constantly screaming, "Save the jobs!" For what? Why should we save the jobs exactly. When I went to buy my computer cam the gals who worked the electronics department had no idea how any of their products work and literally scolded customers for not knowing what they wanted or needed before coming to the store. This is 2025 customer service in our day and age. It's maddening. 

What do people want.

What do you want.

If this applies to you, why do you care so little. 

I would like a world of calm. The only thing that makes sense to me these days are animals and Christ, sunrises and sunsets, mother nature and all her earthy glory. When the sun is high the world has too much madness. It's as if no one enjoys the sun anymore.

I'm writing a book. A short story I hope to pitch into a book, if a film it would be entirely AI. Wouldn't it be nice to have something "original" for a film and not yet another remake of (this) book or (that) film from the 80's. There's a youtube channel called THE AI BIBLE that intrigues me. Scroll through their shorts. Visually beautiful and how I imagined scenes from the Bible played out. Whatever your opinion of AI, give this channel a chance. Check it out. It's impressive regardless of if you believe in the content. Do I support films being entirely made out of AI. Yes, I do. Maybe then we can have less millionaire Hollywood elites griping about how hard their lives are. Obviously, I don't condone actual violence or harassment anywhere but seriously Hollywood elite gals making millions per film griping to the media that they don't know how to lock a door, I am over you. Welcome AI. Welcome.

Ok. Well. I guess there is no denying it. A few words regarding Bishop Mariann Buddhe. 

The bishop's chosen battles are her chosen battles. I have my own opinions regarding the 47th president and none of them good. The 47th president has openly confirmed he is not a Christian, or anything religious. He couldn't/wouldn't swear his oath of office on a Bible. Perhaps he would burst into flames I don't know maybe. Perhaps he sold his soul to the devil I don't know. Personally, I wouldn't have bothered making any pleas of kindness and mercy to that man. What I would have done is preached the word of Christ. I would have preached unpardonable sin, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, and how the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God. And I would have addressed the president and looked directly at him as I did it. Amen. After that it's God's work.   

In order for a plea to be worthwhile making, the person who you are pleading to must first have common sense and decency. If there are none your pleas will only fall on deaf ears. 

Free us from the prison of sin, and by your cross bring us to eternal life. Amen.

That prayer is for the Catholics. They love it when you pray about Jesus on the cross. Catholics wear crucifixes with the image of Jesus on it. Protestants do not because we preach Christianity as Christ did while he lived. Catholics are all about the crucifixion and resurrection. Protestants don't cross our bodies after we pray because it's virtue signaling to anyone watching that you're a Catholic. It is. It's a way to feel superior. Protestants pray, say a silent thank you, amen, and eat (or whatever). And most protestants don't pray before they eat. They say a silent, "Thank you" and/or "Amen" and eat. The big showcase praying at the table is just that, showcase praying. You can pray at home. Anytime. Martin Luther (the monk) teaches us to pray in the morning out of bed, pray in the afternoon anytime, and pray at night before going to bed. There is no big public showcase praying of gripping on to each other's arms and bowing our heads like we're in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean surrounded by sharks. I mean if that's your situation than that type of praying would be reasonable otherwise no.

Point being the 47th president isn't a Christian. The best you can do for him is preach what the Bible says about Hell, Satan, unpardonable sin, eternal damnation, and blasphemy. If he fits he sits.

Just fed the kitties breakfast. None were around for soft food. I'm going to see if I can mount my webcam on my deck tonight facing the food bowl I leave out at night. I saw one tabby kitty early this morning eating. So beautiful. Thank you, Lord, for giving us cats. I feel blessed every time I see one.

The grey kitty who got scared and left me last week is currently eating breakfast. Nice to see her again. She's so big and fluffy. So much better than the little scrawny thing from last week. Good.

Loving God, creator of all living things, thank you for all animals in our lives. Please keep them safe and healthy and help us take care of them. Amen.  

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Good (very early) morning! Please forgive the grammatical errors. It's been a while since I last blogged. "Too busy" is a horr...