Good (super early) morning!
*Please forgive the grammatical errors.
First, prayers to Pope Francis. Though I am not a Catholic, Pope Francis seems like a cool guy. Hopefully he will get well soon. And again, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle is making news on account of Pope Francis being hospitalized. They once again called Pope Francis the "woke Pope" since electing Tagle into the college of Cardinals and while I somewhat agree with this one it was Christian missionaries who brought Christianity to the Philippines, sooo it's kinda your fault, Christians, for Tagle being in the college of Cardinals. Of course, we wish Pope Francis a speedy recovery.
And while on the subject of immigrants.
I get the frustration. Look, I get it. The struggle is real. When I see immigrants sit outside their front door (yesterday!) washing their feet and vegetables in a kiddie pool at the same time, oh dear I'm both horrified and conflicted. Jokingly you can't help but sing the song social media made famous, "They're eating the cats! They're eating the dogs!" Which since the dawn of time was the stereotype they said about certain Asian countries because in part it's true. There are Asian countries who disgustingly eat cats and dogs. It was just never put to music before and now I can't get it out of my head. "They're eating the cats! They're eating the dogs!" Every time I see a lost pet poster that's the song I hear in my head made famous on TikTok and everywhere else. If you don't want Filipino Cardinals, don't go on Christian missions to the Philippines. These are the consequences of your actions.
I want to ask the neighbor questions about bathing the feet and vegetables at the same time but I know if I do it could go very badly. Instead, I walk away and reflect. (Just an innocent reminder) we all need to reflect from time to time including myself. For anyone who calls themselves a Christian, leading immigrants to new land for a better safer life is literally the thing Jesus did and He ordered His disciples do the same. So, Christians, do you follow the word of Jesus or don't you. Are you a Christian or not. If not, well....
At least one good deed a day. That's all Christ asks of you. Good deeds. Good works. That's all. His sacrifice on the cross is worth one good deed a day. It could be something as simple as holding the door open for someone else. It could be something as easy as stepping aside and letting things live and let live. Almost every day around 4:15pm when I change the stray cats water bowl and feed them dinner, a lone bee flies to the water bowl for a drink. A single lone bee. Is it a sign I wonder. Keeping fresh cool water outside feeds the birds, bees, kitties, and other creatures big and small. One good deed a day. My goodness so easy.
I see the subject of chastity being tossed around again by the Catholics on social media. I'm a protestant nonetheless I am pro-chastity until marriage. There are some subjects I happen to agree with the Catholic church like chastity and marriage counseling before marriage. I was dragged pretty hard on social media a few months back when I dare suggested younger couples (under 40) attend marriage counseling with their religious/spiritual advisors before getting married. As an ordained minister myself I will not marry a couple without sessions of marriage counseling first. There are many reasons to attend marriage counseling before marriage, but the most important reason is because marriage is entirely religious. Marriage is a union before God, or why else get married. Also, your religious/spiritual advisor is not blinded by your love and can inquire about your intended nuptials reasonably. Your religious/spiritual advisor will ask the questions that need to be answered by both parties before they wed like why you want to get married in the first place. What does marriage mean to you. What are your values regarding marriage. The divorce rate in this country (America) is shameful. It's ridiculous. Why did some y'all even get married. What was the point. My counter to the shameful divorce rate is marriage counseling before marriage. You can drag it. That's fine. At least I'm making suggestions. What are you doing to improve marriage - if nothing you might want to sit this one out.
Back to the subject of chastity, no parent raises a child to be promiscuous. That said, sex education is necessary for young teens before they go out into the world and explore sex on their own completely unprepared for the oncoming consequences. Promiscuous sex always has consequences. I'm 56 years old and let me assure you that sex is the last order a couple requires for a healthy relationship. The last order. Note I also said relationship. The priority for a healthy lasting relationship is ongoing communication and shared relationship values. I highly encourage women even if you are not a Christian to remain chaste until marriage. The attitude of a gal "owing" sex because a fella took her out to dinner and a movie is disgusting. It's vile. Dinner and a movie, picnics at the Hollywood bowl, gifts, walks in the park, concerts, i.e. dating, this is how you truly get to know each other without sex. My dad raised my brothers to get jobs and cars when they were teenagers if they wanted girlfriends because there may be a lot (a lot!) of first and second dates. A man's gotta have money to date. And ladies, I'm going to tell you what my dad, what every dad tells their daughters, if you have to pay for anything it's not a date. If he assumes sex for taking you out to dinner, it's not a date. Trading favors for sex is called prostitution. 2025 nothing has changed, ladies, except younger gals today aren't taking fellas "owe me" attitude and good for them! That's right mister, I can feed myself. I once met a guy who said, "If she doesn't have sex with me on the first date I move on." Buddy, you need Jesus and lucky for her! At least he told her upfront he's a creep. I give him credit for that.
Are you a Christian or not. Do you follow the teachings of Christ or not. Good men Christian or not never declare out loud, "I'm a good man!" They simply behave as good men behave. You will know if he's a good man by his repeated ongoing actions and values not words. It's all about values.
Gals, it's your body your choice before you meet up with a fella. It's your body your choice before you agree to go on a date with him. It's your body your choice before you encounter the consequences of promiscuous sex. You can live in sin sure that's your right, it's still a free country for now but if you choose to live in sin, you will work hard until the day you die and if that's how you want to live, welp, God bless. My Lord in Heaven provides for me. He gives me everything I need. When I am sick, He heals me. When I am without, He provides me. I literally never want. God is my watchful eye. Though I am not Catholic, I have chosen my saint to worship, Saint Gertrude of Nivelles (The Patron Saint of cats), I chose to worship the Virgin Marry, and I love Christ. I talk to God every day. I pray. I need to do better reading my Bible. Still, life is very good. God protects. God provides. Every Catholic and protestant on earth since Jesus Christ instructs us to not put your faith in men, put your faith in God. Man is corrupt and made of sin. God is Holy and Righteous. Build that relationship. Earn God's favor. Work smarter not harder! So easy.
Lord Jesus Christ, thou only savior of the world, to thee I raise my heart and mind and again thank thee for having, by thy boundless mercy and love preserve Pope Francis keep him blessed upon the earth I pray. Amen.