Sunday, December 1, 2024

Do women hate other women


*Please forgive the grammatical errors. ⌣

Question: Do women hate other women. 
Answer: Sometimes.

A legal adult female is eighteen years old in my country (USA) so let's start there. From eighteen to thirty years of age women are very competitive with one another for male (or female) attention, employment, marriage, and children. Not necessarily in that order. Men and employment will use this competitive edge to turn women against each other especially men. They do it for sport. Amusement. Possibly ego. From eighteen to thirty years of age most women want husbands and families of their own and are easily baited because of how badly they want something that requires a second person (although less and less as the new younger generations grow up with nonstop advancements in technology priorities change.) But for now...

I firmly believe once Boomer generations and Gen Xers all die off the younger generations will explode with technology that will make being married a relic like dinosaur bones. That's why all the young dancing Priests on TikTok and Elon Musk are pushing women to get married, obey their husbands, and breed. Catholic churches need new parishioners to keep them in power, and Elon Musk needs new wallet holders to keep him wealthy. Any time someone preaches women to get married, obey their husbands, and make babies, they are either trying to sell you something or con you into something that requires a pound of flesh.

As a Lutheran, Church of Sweden, my faith with Christ is mine. Your faith with Christ is yours if you want. I have no need or desire for Priests, AKA men, to "instruct me" how to live. Relationships with Christ is a one-on-one devotion. No Priest, Pope, Bishop, or Deacon will ever come between Christ and me. I support women who want to get married or not get married. Have children or not have children. It's still a free country for now. You do you. 

Jealousy and insecurity are also on the rise especially with woman thirty to fifty years of age especially if there have been setbacks. Additionally, so much is going on with their raging hormones and thought process, their emotions are all over the place at any given time. Aging is setting in. Jealousy is creeping in with, "Why does she have money. Why doesn't she look as old as me. Why is she happy. What does she have that I don't have. (etc.)" And the answer is, why do you care? The Gen X credo is "Meh. So what." Exactly. Why do you care what she's doing. Mind your own business. Work on you. 

I'm content. I've accepted who I am, what I am, my strengths and weaknesses because Christ said to me, "My devoted child, put your woes on me. So long as you keep working on you, I will carry you when you fall." And He has. 

People who are intentionally cruel and intentionally invasive to other people are announcing their malice to the world. They're announcing themselves to Christ for who they really are and will be punished accordingly. One day they will exclaim, "Why is this happening to me?!" Welp, you put this on yourself, dear. Remember that time you invaded someone else's privacy without their consent? Christ abandoned you when you raised a harmful hand against one of his children. Christ doesn't protect those who willfully go against his children. He'll leave you to the wolves. Some people call that Karma. Some people call it the universe balancing itself out. Whatever you believe, fact is whatever you put out there will come back to you tenfold. That's why I'm content. Raise a hand against me, see what happens. I know who has my back. ⌣ (Smile)

When women are intentionally cruel to other women it's 100% done out of fear. They think to themselves, "If I stomp her down it will raise me up." This poor logic was tricked into her head by a man. Only men use trickery when they can't use force. Don't suffer fools, ladies. 

Young gals who are pre-teens and teenagers now will live in a whole new world as thirty and forty-year-old women. Technology will just be amazing. Will robots be able to microwave embryos into healthy babies? I dunno. Dang. Maybe. I mean really who knows. If that isn't reason for men to do better making relationships work with women, I don't know what is. Having a robot raise your children is like, I mean, going out with the boys? "I don't think so Dave."   

Being (almost) 56 years old, I have gone full circle. I am back to the gal I was when I was eighteen years old. Wisdom and exhaustion. Speak only the truth. It's a simple life. I love it. Neither I nor Christ suffer fools. Why should we. Why should you. 

Now, I know I don't live like most women. I'm a minister. I don't wear jewelry anymore. I've been chaste since 2020. Everything I have is replaceable even my prescriptions. My whole life now is devoted to knowledge, my ministry, and Christ. That's it. This is my path until the day I die. I would like to remarry but at my age I've accepted if it doesn't happen. My chosen path has alienated me from friends and family and that's okay. I can't live just to be a source of entertainment for them. That's all I was, entertainment. Proof of that is when I said, "Hey, I'm returning to the church." And they criticized me, made fun of me, and turned their backs on me. But that's okay. I'm happier now than when I was as their "friend". 

In my opinion, acceptance of one's immediate situation can only be achieved through prayer or meditation. To change one's situation for the better can only be achieved through hard work. If you find yourself alone with no one to talk to, talk to yourself. You might be surprised who's listening. ⌣

The more I work at bettering myself, bettering my education, bettering my future, the more I learn how not to suffer fools and that includes other women. I just don't have the time. Perhaps you have a similar method.  

Being an ordained minister I have the power to marry couples. I've only been a minister since October this year but even so, I'm not one of those ministers you can throw $200 at and I'll marry you. I value marriage too much. I have a prerequisite of ten thirty-minute council session every other week for five months before I'll marry anyone. I have to believe in my heart the couple before me is devoted to making their marriage a lifetime commitment to one other. If you need a quickie marriage, there are hundreds of ministers you can toss two hondos at and they'll marry you tomorrow under the 101 freeway. I think in this day and age, young women are not getting married as much because their dogs show them more love, kindness, and affection than any men they've dated. That's on men to do better. These dancing Priests on tiktok need to speak to the fellas. Not pressure the women folk.

I'm always saying now, the best thing a young person can do is find something you enjoy doing, be amazing at it, and use the internet to sell it. Gain your independence first before entering into marriage. Be independent first. Learn how to live alone first. Learn to be self-reliant first. THEN if you meet someone you want to spend a lifetime with, you'll be better equipped making that decision. I'm truly impressed at how young people are using the internet to make millions of dollars. I'm not into money but I'm impressed with their innovation. 

I cannot urge women enough with first being independent for two years (i.e. your own apartment) before entering into any living arrangement with a significant other. Living alone first will teach you what kind of person you can live with. 

And ladies, seriously, just mind your own business. Don't invade other peoples' spaces. You have plenty of self-work to work on. You don't have time to hate other women. You've got a career to work on, and travel, short term goals, long term goals, those movies you want to see, those books you want to read, a few days a month volunteering somewhere, girl you're too busy! God bless you.  

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can, 
and the wisdom to know the difference. 

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Good (super early) morning!  *Please forgive the grammatical errors. First, prayers to Pope Francis. Though I am not a Catholic, Pope Franci...