Friday, March 7, 2025


Good (very early) morning!

Please forgive the grammatical errors.

It's been a while since I last blogged. "Too busy" is a horrible excuse.

I'm back in southern California. Home. Zen. So peaceful.

Navada and me, well, Las Vegas and me just don't jibe. My "just relax" attitude doesn't jibe with the intense 24/7 drama Las Vegas seems to enjoy. Every time I try setting up in Las Vegas the folks I deal with turn out to be absolute drama and chaos. Why is that I wonder. Is life so boring for them they can't just relax. Chill. Deep breaths. Life is what you make it. 100% your choice and too many people choose crazy. For example: Every time I left the house I was renting a room in, stuff in my room was constantly messed with. Once, I came home to a tee-shirt I'd thrown on the bed after wearing it as a night shirt suddenly had deodorant just caked in the armpits. Yuck! I don't wear deodorant. I don't sweat especially while I'm sleeping. Ewe. Nasty. I threw the tee shirt away. Gross. Another time I caught food poisoning after eating homemade cheese quesadilla with cheese I had just bought a few days before which in itself isn't odd but then the following week I came home and saw the power strip to my room mini fridge had been turned off. All the food in my fridge went bad. It made me think maybe someone turned off the power to my fridge last time but then turned the power back on before I came home. Another time I was home, and an older woman called out "Hello!" from downstairs. When I went downstairs to see who it was, she suddenly disappeared like she heard me coming and took off. I don't know if this woman was a past tenant, or the homeowner's wife or the cleaning lady but why take off? She clearly wanted to see if someone was home, or she wouldn't have called out "Hello". The fact she took off when she heard me coming means she was just checking to see if someone was home. Drama. I ran into my housemates as I was leaving and as sad as I was to leave the two coolest housemates ever, I nonetheless refuse to have me, and my stuff messed with. I pay too much money to not be comfy in my own room. The female housemate agreed that her stuff too has been messed with. She said she would leave something on the kitchen table and it would be gone when she came home. She and I should have been roommates. Unfortunately, the first time we had a conversation was yesterday morning as I was leaving. 

Look, if you're unhappy someplace, leave. Pack your stuff and go. I once had an ex-boyfriend who got mad that I left my job for another job. First of all, it's not his life. Second, why you mad, hon? He was upset because he said, "I can't just quit my job and get another one, and I said yes you can!" You can go where they will appreciate your worth. Watch (film) 'Joy Luck Club'!    

God sorts out the guilty. Eternity is a long time to suffer for sin. A lifetime of hardship is a long time to suffer also but some people choose to live merely to suffer consequences. I will never understand it. Do not suffer fools. It's their choice to live that way. Misrable wretches.

And speaking of drama... 

America's elected president, that idiot, making a mess of our lovely country. Creating so much chaos and drama. Not one shred of decency in his body. Countries who hated Americans before really hate Americans now. I totally get it but what's frustrating is when foreigners now come to this country and disrespect the citizens of it especially the men. At the Las Vegas airport yesterday flying into Burbank there were three young men who could have been Iranian for all I know, and they just laughed at all the women sitting nearby them myself included. Who knows why. Then a black female airport employee made an announcement on the intercom, and they made fun of her too. It's disgusting. This is what that orange moron is doing to this country particularly to the women. He's making misogyny the norm. People praise money rather than God. They love things rather than people. Visiting Los Angeles, it's somewhat expected that people come here with an open mind, it's LA after all, the city of angels, but no they come here now just for Beverly Hills and the money. I mean, they always came for Beverly Hills but now that's all they come here for it seems.

I would like to see the young priests on social media make erroneous male behavior a bigger priority nowadays rather than harp on and on about the Eucharist and confession, but that's just me. Mental health is just as important as saving one's soul. 

I preach about female behavior all the time because it needs to be done. Too many women in 2025 still act first without thinking of the consequences. It's 2025 where literally everything is a discussion on social media so the "I didn't think it could happen to me" or "I just didn't think..." excuse is unacceptable. No girl, you didn't think and there's no excuse for it anymore. You've earned the consequences of your actions. People used to say nuns were too strict but if you ask me they weren't strict enough. Use your head, ladies. There are always consequences to your actions when you don't think first and when you make poor decisions. 

Living in a world of delusion is never good for anyone at any age. Children can play make believe but once you hit fifteen years of age you better be living in reality especially in this day and age. No one, and I mean no one in this political administration is looking out for you. Literally no one. If you don't have millions and millions in your bank account to spend on Trump, he couldn't care less about you. What's going to happen in six years when many of us want to retire? Think that retirement money that's been taken out of our paychecks for the past forty years will still be there? That's why now more than ever I highly suggest you build that relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. He just may be the only one to save us from the utter ruin Trump will no doubt cast upon our country. He ruined our relationship with Mexico and Canada our two best allies, not to mention halting aid to other impoverished countries that helps prevent the spread of disease, and halting aid to Americans because he doesn't like their politics. What's wrong with this man. The bible teaches us to put our faith in God, not in man. Amen brothers and sister. Amen. Truer words have never been spoken especially now.

We here on the west coast absolutely love Big Bear's bald eagles Jackie and Shadow. We love them so much. They laid three eggs, well, Jackie laid three eggs this season and two of them have hatched. Hooray! There was a pip (a beak-break through the egg) on the third egg so hopefully by Sunday we'll have a third eaglet chick! Events like the birth of three bald eagles make Americans happy because it gives us hope in these dark presidential days. Bald eagles represent us Americans. Birth of eaglets gives us hope for brighter days ahead even if it takes four years.   

It's been raining here in Southern California the past two days. Yes, we need the rain. Seems it's going to rain off and on all week. Good. I get grumpy when I have to go out in it but then I remember how badly we need it. 

I cannot stress enough how what you put out in the universe comes back to you. If all you have to give is anger and cruelty because you're jealous that's all the universe is going to give back to you. Your life will be hard. If all you want is money and fame to the point you'll do anything to get it then you shall get it but not in the way you were hoping for.  

Ok, that's it. I'm going to knit a little now before I have to leave for the train into the city. Sleep well. Tomorrow is a new day. All God asks of you is to be kind and loving. One good deed a day. That's all. So easy.

God bless.

I simple prayer. 

I thank you, my Heavenly father, through Jesus Christ, your dear son, that you have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that you would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings in life may please you. --Amen  

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Good (very early) morning! Please forgive the grammatical errors. It's been a while since I last blogged. "Too busy" is a horr...